Walking With Archangels

Winner of the 'BEST SELF-PUBLISHED SPIRITUAL BOOK OF THE YEAR' category in 'Soul & Spirit' magazine's Spiritual Book Awards for 2018, Walking With Archangels - The Angelic Way of Ascension: a handbook for self-transformation and personal growth - is a 400+ page hardback book (17 x 24 x 3.5 cm) crammed with completely new and unique information, comprising channelled teachings and wisdoms given by 26 Archangels and Archeia; 78 Crystal Champions; 78 Creature Companions and 45 Greenwood Guardians.
If you are interested in Ascension, Archangels, Archeia, Crystals, Animal Spirit Guides and/or Tree Spirit Guides, then this book should be on your bookshelf! It has been beautifully designed and presented, and has a laminated full-colour cover, a sewn and glued reinforced spine, and an integral gold ribbon bookmark.

If you would like a personalised signed copy - for yourself, and/or as a gift for someone else - you can request this when ordering, using the "delivery message" section; and we will be happy to oblige.

Unity Consciousness summarise its contents as follows:
"We are the Illumined Host known as Unity Consciousness.
We embrace you now with our Love and offer you the benefit of our wisdom through the insights given within this book, which has been created under our Guidance to present you with the opportunity to undertake a unique journey of self-exploration that will help you to navigate your personal pathway to Enlightenment.
Twenty-six aspects of our presence have chosen to draw close to mentor you in this, comprising The Divine Masculine and Feminine expressions of thirteen Great Archangelic Lights, who hold the Divine Light of the Universe in perfect resonance and equilibrium. Each is aided by eight members of the Mineral, Plant and Animal Kingdoms who have asked to add their wisdom and support, so that you may live, learn and experience your journey from the widest breadth of perspectives possible. Thus, you may come to know and truly understand that ALL things upon the Earth are essentially and fundamentally connected, and so recognise and appreciate the myriad and diverse ways in which the infinite Love and multifaceted Wisdom of The Divine is given to support and enable the evolution of ALL.
The words presented within these pages will draw our strength, peace and love closer to you, and offer you a brand new perspective on your world - both seen and unseen: moreover, for those that have the courage to seek a much greater understanding of themselves and their place in that world, the Gifts and Teachings offered also have the power and potential to guide you through a programme of deep and profound personal healing, significant spiritual growth, and all-embracing transformation.
We recognise that our Gifts and our presence may bring both delights and challenges: but know this.... our loving support is here for you whenever you choose and request it, and it is our greatest JOY to offer it to you - now and at all times."

  • Code No: BK001
  • Delivery Weight: 0.98Kg
  • 680 Units in Stock

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This product was added to our catalogue on Saturday 15 April, 2017.

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