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Enhydro crystals are normally of the quartz family. Their primary identifying attribut is their structure that gives the propensity to contain 'bubbles' of air or water as inclusions within their body, which are clearly visible within their structure. Sometimes both water and air are present in the same 'bubble', resulting in rare 'enhydro' formations. Two things are needed to see these (unless the enhydro inclusions are very large!): a magnifying glass and good light. To see them it is best to hold them up so that light shines through their structure, and then examine them closely whilst tilting the crystal from side to side. The enhydros look like the air bubble that comes in a spirit level: some times you need to gently tap the crystal to encourage the bubble to move from side to side within the water inclusion. I have also found that sunlight warms the crystal and also can help smaller movements show up. There is much in a name - 'spirit level' is very apt, as these wonderful crystals can help balance and align the energy centres and help remain grounded whilst 'stretching' into Higher Realms - thus ensuring knowledge found is properly recalled and brought 'home'. Their 'loose' and often layered growth pattern also makes them excellent for working with issues that need careful and orderly review and resolution, or any 'emotional' and/or 'thought process' based' issues - or anything that requires clearing or cleansing, simply because of the water and air within. In fact an enydro crystal combines both elements in one and is one of the best crystals you can possibly find for dealing with and working on emotional problems; traumas; grief etc.
Displaying 1 to 18 (of 18 Products)
(image for) Amethyst (Brandburg): crystal - Enhydro

Amethyst (Brandburg): crystal - Enhydro

Brandburg quartz - pale lilac amethyst crystal with excellent clarity and a large enhydro bubble at its heart. Very good termination, and interesting...

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(image for) Amethyst (Brandburg): crystal cluster - Enhydro

Amethyst (Brandburg): crystal cluster - Enhydro

Brandburg quartz - twinned amethyst enhydro cluster, with good clarity. The amethyst is a very pale lilac, and each main crystal contains at least...

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(image for) Amethyst (Brandburg): crystal cluster - Enhydro

Amethyst (Brandburg): crystal cluster - Enhydro

Brandburg quartz - amethyst cluster. The main crystal has an enhydro bubble visible near the centre of the crystal, and a milky white tip with a pale...

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(image for) Smoky / Clear / Amethyst Qzt (Brandburg): crystal - Phantom Enhy

Smoky / Clear / Amethyst Qzt (Brandburg): crystal - Phantom Enhy

Brandburg quartz - smoky quartz skeletal sceptre crystal, with smoky quartz phantoms throughout, on a clear quartz base and stem. There is also a...

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(image for) Smoky Quartz / Amethyst (Brandburg): crystal - Enhydro Manifest

Smoky Quartz / Amethyst (Brandburg): crystal - Enhydro Manifest

Brandburg quartz - double terminated amethyst and smoky quartz crystal, with a large enhydro bubble near the main termination. Both terminations have...

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(image for) Smoky Quartz: polished point - Phantom Enhydro (Madagascar)

Smoky Quartz: polished point - Phantom Enhydro (Madagascar)

This skeletal quartz has been polished off in generator formation to reveal the inner markings. The top of the crystal is nice and clear, with smoky...

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(image for) Smoky Quartz: polished point - Skeletal Enhydro (Madagascar)

Smoky Quartz: polished point - Skeletal Enhydro (Madagascar)

This large smoky quartz skeletal (elestial) crystal has been polished to reveal its internal layering and multiple enhydro bubbles - one of which is...

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(image for) Amethyst / Smoky Quartz: polished point - Enhydro Phantom (Mad.)

Amethyst / Smoky Quartz: polished point - Enhydro Phantom (Mad.)

This little gem has everything! Basically it is a polished pale amethyst crystal, with lovely deeper amethyst and smoky phantoms. It has a skeletal...

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(image for) Clear Quartz (Brandburg): crystal - Enhydro

Clear Quartz (Brandburg): crystal - Enhydro

Brandburg quartz - clear quartz crystal, with one clear enhydro bubble in the centre of the crystal, and at least one more near the base. The crystal...

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(image for) Rutilated Clear Quartz: polished point - Enhydro (Madagascar)

Rutilated Clear Quartz: polished point - Enhydro (Madagascar)

Rare silver rutile included clear quartz crystal with enhydro bubble. The body of the crystal has silver rutile inclusions through out and some...

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(image for) Smoky / Amethyst / Clear Qzt (Brandburg): crystal - Enhy Sceptre

Smoky / Amethyst / Clear Qzt (Brandburg): crystal - Enhy Sceptre

Brandburg quartz - with clear quartz, amethyst and smoky quartz in a single sceptre crystal. The base, stem and centre of the crystal is clear...

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(image for) Smoky / Amethyst Quartz: polished point - Enhydro (Madagascar)

Smoky / Amethyst Quartz: polished point - Enhydro (Madagascar)

This smoky quartz crystal is deeply skeletal with a massive enhydro visible through the deepest space. The crystal also contains some interesting...

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(image for) Smoky Quartz (Brandburg): crystal - DT Skeletal Manifestor

Smoky Quartz (Brandburg): crystal - DT Skeletal Manifestor

Brandburg quartz - double terminated smoky quartz twinned crystal, with excellent skeletal layering to faces and terminations. One termination is...

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(image for) Smoky Quartz (Brandburg): crystal - Enhydro Phantom Twin

Smoky Quartz (Brandburg): crystal - Enhydro Phantom Twin

Brandburg quartz - twinned smoky quartz crystal with skeletal markings on main faces and other elestiated aspects. The crystal has fine deeper smoky...

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(image for) Smoky Quartz / Amethyst (Brandburg): crystal - DT Enhydro

Smoky Quartz / Amethyst (Brandburg): crystal - DT Enhydro

Brandburg quartz - very pale smoky quartz double terminated enhydro crystal with some pale amethyst and clear quartz aspects. On ground mass, set...

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(image for) Smoky Quartz / Amethyst (Brandburg): crystal - Skeletal Enhydro

Smoky Quartz / Amethyst (Brandburg): crystal - Skeletal Enhydro

Brandburg quartz - smoky skeletal crystal. There are deeper smoky quartz phantoms throughout the crystal, with a hint of amethyst in its centre along...

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(image for) Smoky Quartz: polished point - Skeletal Enhydro (Madagascar).

Smoky Quartz: polished point - Skeletal Enhydro (Madagascar).

Large smoky quartz skeletal crystal with multiple enhydro bubbles. The main faces have been polished smooth along with the sides to reveal multiple...

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(image for) Smoky Quartz: polished shape - Skeletal Enhydro (Madagascar)

Smoky Quartz: polished shape - Skeletal Enhydro (Madagascar)

This is a fascinating polished piece of smoky quartz, deeply layered with air and water inclusions. Some parts are deeply penetrated, and some...

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Displaying 1 to 18 (of 18 Products)