Apatite is a useful stone for dealing with matters requiring focused intent or Will whilst remaining grounded and balanced. It feels like quite a "solid" and reliable stone, yet has quite a "poke" about it that will help initiate change and forward momentum whilst remaining fully in the "real" world.
The blue-green massive material (see wands) carries a sense of purposeful intent and these wands would make a good tool for accessing the subconscious in order to understand what underlies specific situations or events and to then plan and make appropriate changes.
Blue apatite is cleansing and balancing to the throat and third eye centres, enhancing and supporting journeying and exploration into the subtle realms, including those of the Akasha.
Golden apatite (also known as fluoroapatite) is a rare crystal that adds the element of fluorine and that has one of the best connections to the Yellow Ray and the Solar energies of our Sun. It strengthens the solar plexus and the Will bringing courage and determination to succeed in any endeavour - spiritual, personal and business - with confidence and positivity.
Apatite - Golden (included): polished crystal
Apatite - Golden: part-polished crystal
Apatite - Golden: part-polished crystal
Apatite - Golden: part-polished crystal
Apatite - Blue-Green: crystal (Russia)
Apatite - Blue: tumbled stones
Apatite - Golden (included): polished crystal
Apatite - Golden (included): polished crystal
Apatite - Golden: polished crystal
Apatite - Golden: polished crystal