Amphibole (Angel Phantom) Quartz is a quartz that contains inclusions of minerals in varied amounts and proportions, including Riebeckite, Actinolite, Tremolite, Richterite and Lithium. These show as opaque inclusions in layers or cloudy deposits, in a range of colours including white, yellow-gold, red, orange and plum. Even though not all minerals might be visible within the specimen the energies of the crystals will resonate in much the same way, the influence of the minerals becoming an integral part of their makeup.
As the name suggests, many find this crystal useful in accessing and working with the Angelic Realms, although its clarity and colouring may affect the effectiveness of this. I have found that the energies of this crystal to be quite complex, and thus perhaps I feel that it aids connection with Higher intelligences that have more complex information to convey, or with those Angelics who wish to work with us on complex issues that mean a bit of hard work on our part! Not then for "fluffy" angelic contact perhaps! Each of the included elements do suggest that this is a real and useful working tool however, and I feel that Amphibole Quartz can be of most use when we are prepared to actively work to heal, change, or move positively towards a specific goal, rather than simply "sitting back" and expecting the work to be done for us! The inclusions, amplified by the quartz, help all energy bodies align and the upper centres clear and expand. The multi-coloured aspects and the phantom layers suggest and reflect our multi-dimensional nature, and can help us become more aware of the other parts of our Self, which exist throughout time and Dimension. Thus this crystal is useful for past (and future) life exploration, and for understanding more about the True nature and purpose of our varied existences.
Angel Phantom (Amphibole) Quartz
Displaying 1 to 5 (of 5 Products)
Angel Phantom (amphibole) Quartz: crystal pieces
Picture shows EXAMPLES of our stock of Angel Phantom (Amphibole) Quartz crystal pieces. You will receive one of minimum weight 9 grams. These are...
3 available
See More / To BuyC030S
Angel Phantom (amphibole) Quartz: crystals (small)
Picture shows EXAMPLES of our stock of Angel Phantom (amphibole) Quartz crystals. You will receive one of minimum weight 1.7 grams. Useful for...
6 available
See More / To BuyT282L
Angel Phantom (amphibole) Quartz: polished pieces (large)
Picture shows EXAMPLES of our stock of Angel Phantom Quartz polished pieces. These have been polished from chunks of terminated crystals, and still...
4 available
See More / To BuyT282M
Angel Phantom (amphibole) Quartz: polished pieces (medium)
Picture shows EXAMPLES of our stock of Angel Phantom Quartz polished pieces. These have been polished from chunks of terminated crystals, and still...
6 available
See More / To BuyT113
Angel Phantom (amphibole) Quartz: tumbled stones
Picture shows EXAMPLES of our stock of Angel Phantom (amphibole) Quartz tumbled stones. You will receive one of minimum weight 7.2 grams. Useful for...
14 available
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