Kyanite (all)
Kyanite forms in flat bladelike crystal, sometimes interspersed with quartz and mica. Kyanite is known as a "bridging" stone and is an incredible "shifter" of energy. It can be found in a variety of colours, including black, blue, indigo, green and orange - and some are bi-coloured too.
Kyanite's energies are upright and strong, with a sense of nobility and justice about them. A real stone for the warrior healer and the recovering wounded.
Blue kyanite blades have always represented the Sword of Michael to me, and are useful tools for cutting away unwanted debris, severing karmic ties or dealing with energetic hooks and cords.
Black kyanite is very grounding, but also helpful for bringing in and distributing Light, and for smoothing and untangling knots and wrinkles in the energy body's matrix.
Green and Emerald kyanite (with or without mica) is wonderful at working with heart-centred issues - the Emerald being especially powerful and balancing.
Orange kynaite is a joyful crystal, full of potential and Life!
Recently Black Kyanite has been treated in the same way as quartz, by bombarding it with gold and/or platinum and silver. This softens yet somehow strengthens its energies, adding an etra dimension to how black kynaite may usually be used. I call this form 'Angel Wing Kyanite', as I find it bears the energies of Archaeana Annunciata and Rainbow Aurora, who are twin flames of Gabriel and Uriel.
Kyanite's energies are upright and strong, with a sense of nobility and justice about them. A real stone for the warrior healer and the recovering wounded.
Blue kyanite blades have always represented the Sword of Michael to me, and are useful tools for cutting away unwanted debris, severing karmic ties or dealing with energetic hooks and cords.
Black kyanite is very grounding, but also helpful for bringing in and distributing Light, and for smoothing and untangling knots and wrinkles in the energy body's matrix.
Green and Emerald kyanite (with or without mica) is wonderful at working with heart-centred issues - the Emerald being especially powerful and balancing.
Orange kynaite is a joyful crystal, full of potential and Life!
Recently Black Kyanite has been treated in the same way as quartz, by bombarding it with gold and/or platinum and silver. This softens yet somehow strengthens its energies, adding an etra dimension to how black kynaite may usually be used. I call this form 'Angel Wing Kyanite', as I find it bears the energies of Archaeana Annunciata and Rainbow Aurora, who are twin flames of Gabriel and Uriel.