Nzuri Moya is a form of pink Clinizoisite (similar to Thulite) that comes from Namibia. This is a Swahili name that translates as Good Heart. Its main constituents are Epidot (the green material) and Wollostanite (the pink material).
Nzuri Moya is a wonderful colour mix of green and pink, making this an ideal stone for supporting the heart chakra and in addressing any imbalances that affect our ability to express love for ourselves and/or others on any and all levels. So long as we are willing to address whatever is ailing us with honesty and an open heart, this stone can help return us to a state of wholeness and balance by helping us heal whatever situation may be at the root of whatever issues have caused us to become separated from our innately loving and compassionate nature. Furthermore, Nzuri Moya (as its name suggests) is a stone of compassion, encouraging us to see The Divine within us AND within all other sentient beings that share our world, and so act with greater empathy and self-awareness. Remember, it is only when we are able to clearly see The Divine within us that we will clearly see The Divine within all things, and recognise how living on planet Earth is neither a trial nor a test: instead we may learn to see it as a great adventure and a great Gift, which simply allows us to experience life from many different perspectives in order to learn and grow!
Nzuri Moya
Displaying 1 to 3 (of 3 Products)
Nzuri Moya: polished pieces (medium)
Picture shows EXAMPLES of our stock of Nzuri Moya polished pieces. You will receive one (not necessarily pictured) of minimum weight 5 grams.
7 available
£2.50 Sale: £1.75Save: 30%
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Nzuri Moya: polished pieces (large)
Picture shows EXAMPLES of our stock of Nzuri Moya polished pieces. You will receive one (not necessarily pictured) of minimum weight 11 grams.
0 available
£4.00 Sale: £2.80Save: 30%
Nzuri Moya: polished pieces (xlarge)
Picture shows EXAMPLES of our stock of Nzuri Moya polished pieces. You will receive one (not necessarily pictured) of minimum weight 17 grams.
0 available
£5.00 Sale: £3.50Save: 30%
Displaying 1 to 3 (of 3 Products)