Scottish Greenstone is a form of Marble that contains green layers of Serpentine. It is found in the northern Highlands of Scotland. The raw and elemental Power of nature and the Elemental world (and its Guardians and Guides) is obvious within this stone: their shape, form and markings make each piece unique - and many reveal symbolic clues to the ways in which each piece wants to be used. Each of the slices we have for sale has been polished on one side, revealing the inner beauty and focal points of each stone. I have connected with each one, and the key-words / focus of each is given at the end of each one’s description. Whoever takes guardianship of that piece will find it useful to explore the symbolism revealed – and indeed to do further intuitive exploration for themselves.
Scottish Greenstone
Scottish Greenstone (Serpentine Marble): polished slice
This part-polished slice of Scottish Greenstone's keyword is BEAR. The raw and elemental Power of nature and the Elemental world is present within...
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