Sacred Scribes

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I purchased all these smoky quartz crystals back in 2002. They had only recently been released by a supplier who dealt in Smoky Quartz from the Ural Mountains in Russia; and as soon as I saw them and felt their energies I knew I had to buy some. I still have a few very large pieces in my personal collection – one of which (named Mother Russia!) has done some amazing work with myself and some of those we work with over the years. I had also bought quite a few other specimens for use as teaching materials for our crystal course students – both for them to experience their amazing energies too, and for the rarity and complexity of their forms; however, now that we have moved towards teaching much smaller classes, I have decided it is time to release some of them to new keepers!
When I first saw these new crystals the first thing that struck me was the number and variety of forms and formations they possessed: many were double terminated; most had record keeper or other unusual markings on their faces and sides; and all had a gentle – yet wise and ancient – energy that drew me in and left me wanting to know more. Most were a pale almost golden form of smoky quartz – some having a fine clarity, others being more milky, probably due to the other minerals present in the place of their birth, which have deeply or lightly coated and/or penetrated their lattice. A few were absolutely clear quartz, with no smoky tint at all; and a few have traces of what looks to be green beryl (emerald) on/near their surface. (The Urals are quite rich in rare minerals and gems, and it is more than possible that these quartz crystals were discovered during the process of finding / extracting them.)
The name Sacred Scribe was given to these crystals by Jane Ann Dow and Katrina Raphael when they first came to light. They both wrote about these crystals back then, and you will be able to read about them in their books and in internet writings if you want to know more. Some sellers have now added the tag of Lemurian to more recent finds from the Ural mountains – partly due, I think, to many of those crystals possessing the classic stepped sides associated with true Lemurian crystals (although if they have been polished, you will never know if this is the case or not!) – but originally they were simply named as Sacred Scribes.
To me they are essentially feminine in nature, with a deep and profound connection to the wisdom and heart of the planet, and to those that first founded her. These are real hidden gems, in more ways than one – and, like many of the most rewarding crystals, you have to be willing to see past the surface to what lies below!
None of these crystals have been polished, and ALL are from the original find.
Displaying 1 to 4 (of 4 Products)
(image for) Sacred Scribe (Russia): crystal - DT Included

Sacred Scribe (Russia): crystal - DT Included

This Sacred Scribe crystal is a pale smoky grey. It has formed in a DT wedge-shaped formation, and has several distinct layers of internal...

0 available


(image for) Sacred Scribe (Russia): crystal - DT Lemurian

Sacred Scribe (Russia): crystal - DT Lemurian

This Sacred Scribe crystal is a very pale grey, with an excellent clarity. It has formed as a DT bridge crystal, and has lots of sparkle. The main...

0 available


(image for) Sacred Scribe (Russia): crystal - DT Self-healed

Sacred Scribe (Russia): crystal - DT Self-healed

This Sacred Scribe crystal is a pale smoky grey. It has grown in a DT laser formation, and has several distinct layers of internal self-healing on...

0 available


(image for) Sacred Scribe (Russia): crystal - Self-healed Laser

Sacred Scribe (Russia): crystal - Self-healed Laser

This amazing Sacred Scribe crystal comes from the Ural Mountains in Russia. It has been in my collection since 2002, and is now ready for a new...

0 available


Displaying 1 to 4 (of 4 Products)