Topaz in general is excellent at refreshing / revealing ones connection to the Divine Plan and our life-purpose. It does this by shining the clear Light of Source upon our energy bodies, showing up blockages and obstructions that may be causing us to lose our Way, and then being quite insistent about shifting or overcoming them in an appropriate way. Not for those who don't have the courage to confront their negative patterning, but ideal if you truly want to shift and make forward progress! Topaz also assists with our cellular patterning and DNA, helping to adjust and restructure it as need be to align our physical bodies with energy changes that are occurring on the etheric level in the world around, or as we grow spiritually.
Imperial topaz resonates with the Gold Ray and Pink Ray, and carries the energy of Christ-consciousness and Divine Love. It works with the sacral, solar plexus and heart chakras and aligns heart, mind and soul supporting creative manifestation and enabling true abundance to enter ones life.
Golden-yellow topaz resonates with the Golden-yellow Ray of Wisdom, and carries the energy of Christ-consciousness. This crystal is useful when you need a boost to your mental / thought processes, or where your feelings are unsettled, when it works with the sacral and solar plexus chakras, clearing and balancing the emotions and mind, enabling the "true" picture to be seen with more clarity.
Champagne topaz carries the Pink Ray and is a pinky-brown colour, making these crystals grounding yet still resonant with love and compassion. There is a sense of stability and fidelity about them, and they would make a good stone to give to a lover, friend or life-partner.
Lazulite, Carrolite, Lepidolite, Blue Topaz: set of 3
Topaz - Blue (A grade): tumbled stones (large)
Topaz - Blue (A grade): tumbled stones (medium)
Topaz - Blue (A grade): tumbled stones (small)
Topaz - Golden-yellow (A grade): crystals
Topaz - Golden-yellow: crystals (medium)
Topaz - Golden-yellow: crystals (small)
Topaz – Golden-orange (Imperial): crystal
Topaz – Golden-orange (Imperial): crystal
Topaz – Golden-orange (Imperial): crystal slice
Topaz – Rutilated: polished piece
Topaz - Golden-orange (Imperial): crystals