Blue Quartz
With indigo / blue tourmalinated (indicolite) quartz the crystals may be fine or large, but are normally clearly visible as such, often randomly oriented throughout the base material.
If the mineral fibres are very fine and/or form in a blue/grey cloud – sometimes in phantom-like layers – the mineral inclusion is more likely to be riebeckite. Riebeckite is also an aspect of the asbestos mineral known as crocodilite, which (in a different form) is found in Hawks / Falcons / Silver Cats Eye. NOTE: Riebeckite can also grow into more substantial crystals: these can resemble indigo and/or black tourmaline, and so without mineral analysis it is not always easy to be sure which inclusion you have.
Whatever the inclusion, however, natural Blue Quartz is a rather rare mineral combination, and may be found in massive form – or, more rarely, in crystalline form. It is most likely to be used as a meditation or journeying piece, rather than in a healing situation for/with others simply for this reason. It resonates with the brow and throat chakras, and so can aid connection and communication on many levels. For self-healing purposes it may help the user in seeing the underlying truths below issues that may affect body, mind and spirit – and then offer the means to connect and work with Guides in Spirit who are willing and able to aid in the user’s quest to regain health and balance.
Blue Quartz: crystal - with Riebeckite
Blue Quartz: crystal - with Riebeckite
Blue Quartz: crystal - with Riebeckite
Blue Quartz: polished point - with Riebeckite
Blue Tourmaline (Indicolite) with Quartz: rough piece
Blue Quartz: crystal cluster - Flower
Blue Tourmaline (Indicolite) with Quartz: rough piece
Blue Tourmaline (Indicolite) with Quartz: rough piece