Calcite (all)
Clear Optical Calcite is an excellent stone to use at the Crown or Soul Star chakras to help open and clarify the energies of those centres as well as the pranic core;
Honey Calcite is a lovely stone to use at the solar plexus and sacral chakras to warm and cleanse the mind and emotions. It is gently healing and balancing, with the sweetness and antiseptic qualities of honey!;
Mangano Calcite is a wonderful stone for the heart and High heart centres. Its soft pink colour and banding helps it get to the heart of any issue, and then to shower it with healing love and compassion;
Orange Calcite is a useful stone for the lower 3 chakras, where it is gently grounding and warming, bringing a sense of well-being and quiet self-confidence to the Self;
Blue Calcite is the obvious choice for the throat chakra, but may also be used to enhance communication and for cooling and calming any energy centre that is out of balance.
Not all calcites have a basic energy though, and more recent finds show us that calcite as a family has a great deal to offer the Ascending human:
Golden Coracalcite is a recently discovered stone from the Caribbean, and is a calcified form of skeletal coral that is a delicate shade of golden-yellow. It is said to help awaken the Light Body, whilst bringing one into resonance with the spiritual core of the Universe. A truly fabulous blend of animal and mineral;
A new find of optical calcite in Madagascar has resulted in some really magnificent highly polished forms, which have a truly fabulous clarity. I feel that these carry a very high and fine energy, and the veiling and internal detailing bring very special attributes to these crystals. For me, the pale pink ones carry the pure energies of the Lady Master Quan Yin, whilst I feel the pale yellow ones carry those of her twin flame Lao Tsu. Thus I have chosen to call these particular pieces "Bodhisattva Calcite".
Calcite - Blue: palmstone (Madagascar)
Calcite - Blue: tumbled stones
Calcite - Mangano (Pale Pink Banded): tumbled stones
Calcite - Mangano (Pink Banded): tumbled stones (medium)
Calcite - Mangano (Pink Banded): tumbled stones (xsmall)
Calcite - Optical Clear: tumbled stones (medium)
Calcite - Optical Clear: tumbled stones (small)
Calcite - Orange: tumbled stones
Clear Quartz: crystal - Included (China)
Septarian Nodule: polished freeform (Madagascar)
Septarian Nodule: polished freeform (Madagascar)
Septarian Nodule: polished freeform (Madagascar)
Septarian Nodule: polished pebble (Madagascar)
Septarian Nodule: polished pebble (Madagascar)
Septarian Nodule: polished pebble (Madagascar)