Chalcedony (all)
Blue Chalcedony has a soft and gentle energy that is very cooling and calming. It is a very good stone to use at the throat chakra, especially when the voice is tired or it needs to rest. There is a sense of serenity and peace with this stone, and so it would be a good choice placed (out of reach) in a child or baby's room. Because of its resonance with childlike energies it will also support play and help the nurture of one's Inner Child.
Purple Chalcedony resonates with the Violet Ray and with the Third eye and Crown chakras. This makes it a useful and protective stone when opening these Higher centres for journeying, channelling or other forms of spiritual communion. This particular variety that we stock (Royal Aztec) also contains soft dove grey shades, and this muted silver Ray energy adds to the Power that can be sensed when working with this stone, making it an effective companion for Astral travel.
Green Chalcedony has similar properties to Chrysoprase and tends to have a soft and gentle energy. It is good for balance, and those with blue tones may help link and balance throat and heart chakras, enabling love and compassion to be more clearly expressed.
Pink Chalcedony is excellent for use with the heart chakra and with all aspects of love and compassion, but is especially useful in family situations where Souls are linked by blood or marriage. The Pink variety is the most likely to hold cavities that contain water, making these particularly good for healing emotional hurts or wounds.
Black Chalcedony is an excellent choice for grounding or for use to strengthen the Earth Star chakra. This stone is also of use for journeying within, and for exploring the more hidden sides of our nature, thus bringing them into the Light.
Chalcedony - Black: tumbled stones
Chalcedony - Blue: polished pebble
Chalcedony - Blue: tumbled stones
Chalcedony - Pink: polished pebble
Chalcedony - Pink: polished pebble
Chalcedony - Pink: polished pebble
Chalcedony - Purple: tumbled stones (medium)
Chalcedony - Purple: tumbled stones (xlarge)
Chalcedony - Pink: polished pebble