Candle (Celestial) Quartz: crystal – DT

This Celestial Candle Quartz from Madagascar is white with clear / translucent terminations that are in fair condition. The candling on the sides is quite faint, but is much more obvious at the base of the faces – one of which is a little damaged: however, it is quite rare to find double terminated Candle Quartz, and this one is nicely symmetrical. If you want to communicate with or connect to Higher energies or Beings, especially those of the Divine feminine or the Angelics Celestial crystals are of prime importance. Their elestial nature also means that they are capable of holding vast quantum of information and records, both of this Earth and from outside it, enabling its user to potentially access, work with and disseminate some amazing material and data.
Size: 3.5 x 2 x 1.75 cm
  • Code No: 20M102
  • Delivery Weight: 0.015Kg
  • 0 Units in Stock


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