Inner Light Quartz

We have worked with these crystals for some time, and have been told that these are 'Inner Light' crystals, having the potential to strengthen the Divine Light that lies at the heart of ALL embodied souls, and catalysing the acceptance and embodiment of their True spiritual nature. We have found that these very powerful crystal formations radiate their Light and energy throughout a very wide area, making them extremely useful for Earth working and/or Distance healing projects - especially if this has a Global or deeper spiritual intent. It is important that anyone who works with these crystals for this purpose has respect for their Power, and is able to keep a clear focus on what they wish to achieve - with full understanding of the consequences and potential outcome(s) of their actions. On a personal (rather than planetary) level, these crystals can clarify and strengthen one’s faith, trust and sense of positivity and purpose – and we believe that anyone who uses these crystals with an open heart and with clear and positive intent will find them of great benefit for their own self-growth, self-understanding and self-healing. We know that each crystal, regardless of its size or form, has the power to shine the pure Light of Truth into the heart of whoever / whatever is being focused upon, enabling the true nature of the issue being addressed to be seen with greater clarity - , and enabling the work thence undertaken to bring about peace, healing and/or appropriate resolution to be both truly effective and spiritually profound.
Every crystal has a unique and very individual form, with varying degrees of clarity and perfection: some are single crystals with very clearly defined 'candling'; some are single crystals with less defined / no candling; some are twinned, clustered or have attributes such as bridges etc. - either well-defined or less-so. ALL however are manifestors, and ALL hold great potential. (NB: IF YOU HAVE DIFFICULTY IN SEEING THE MANIFESTOR CRYSTAL, it helps if you drop the crystal into a glass of water, which enables the inner crystal to be seen more easily.)
To make things simpler, we are not selling these crystals as individual specimens: instead we are dividing them into categories and sizes, and you will thus receive a crystal 'randomly' chosen from that category.To see other pictures of examples of these crystals, go to the Crystals We Like page
Inner Light Quartz - A grade: crystal cluster (large)
Inner Light Quartz - A grade: crystal cluster (medium)
Inner Light Quartz - A grade: crystal cluster (small)
Inner Light Quartz - A grade: crystal cluster (xlarge)
Inner Light Quartz - A grade: crystal cluster (xsmall)
Inner Light Quartz - A grade: crystals (large)
Inner Light Quartz - A grade: crystals (medium)
Inner Light Quartz - A grade: crystals (small)
Inner Light Quartz - A grade: crystals (xlarge)
Inner Light Quartz - A grade: crystals (xsmall)
Inner Light Quartz - B grade: crystals (medium)
Inner Light Quartz - B grade: crystals (small)
Inner Light Quartz - B grade: crystals (xsmall)
Inner Light Quartz: crystals (large)
Inner Light Quartz: crystals (medium)
Inner Light Quartz: crystals (small)
Inner Light Quartz: crystals (xsmall)
Inner Light Quartz: crystals (xxsmall)
Inner Light Quartz - A grade: crystal cluster (xxlarge)